Grameenphone 2GB 42Tk Internet Offer

Grameenphone launched a new internet offer for their customer. In this new grameenphone offer the grameenphone customer can buy 2gb internet at 42 Tk. Grameenphone 2GB 42Tk offer is a new internet offer for all of prepaid customer of grameenphone. 

GP 2GB 42TK Internet Offer

GP 2GB 42TK Internet Offer

Let’s know the terms and condition of GP 2gb 42 tk internet offer:
  • The customer can avail 2GB internet for 42 Tk
  • The validity of this internet offer is 2 Days (Activation Day + 1 Day)
  •  To activate the offer customer needs to dial *121*3242#
  • The offer is available for all gp customers
  • The campaign will run until further notice
  • There has no auto renewal feature of this offer.
  • If the customer don't used the data the it will be carried forwarded if the customer buy the offer again before the expire time.
  • To know the internet balance of this offer just dial *121*3041#
  • After the internet volume expiration customer will be charged 1.22 TK/MB up to 5MB.
  • The skitto customers are not eligible for this offer.
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