launched a new internet offer for their customer. In this new grameenphone
offer the grameenphone customer can buy 2gb internet at 42 Tk. Grameenphone 2GB
42Tk offer is a new internet offer for all of prepaid customer of grameenphone.
GP 2GB 42TK Internet Offer
Let’s know the terms and condition of GP 2gb 42 tk internet offer:
- The customer can avail 2GB internet for 42 Tk
- The validity of this internet offer is 2 Days (Activation Day + 1 Day)
- To activate the offer customer needs to dial *121*3242#
- The offer is available for all gp customers
- The campaign will run until further notice
- There has no auto renewal feature of this offer.
- If the customer don't used the data the it will be carried forwarded if the customer buy the offer again before the expire time.
- To know the internet balance of this offer just dial *121*3041#
- After the internet volume expiration customer will be charged 1.22 TK/MB up to 5MB.
- The skitto customers are not eligible for this offer.
- Teletalk 1GB 21 TK Recharge Offer with 30 Days Validity
- Grameenphone 1GB Internet at only 89 tk
- Airtel Bondho SIM Offer 2GB Internet on 19TK Recharge Offer
- Banglalink 400 Minutes Talktime,4GB Internet and a T-Shirt with Banglalink 499Tk Scratch Card
- Robi 2GB 20Tk Internet Offer | রবি ২জিবি ২০টাকা ইন্টারনেট অফার