Teletalk 100% Internet Bonus Offer

Teletalk has announced some special internet package for their valuable cutomer in Eid-Ul-Fitr.

Bonus data will be given on following 1GB 3G DATA packages:

• 1GB@80tk, Validity 3 days, to active write D58 and send to 111
• 1GB@140tk, Validity 10 days, to active write D19 and send to 111
• 1GB@240tk, Validity 30 days, to active write D31 and send to 111
• 1GB@150tk, Validity 15 days, to active write M3 and send to 111
• 1GB@275tk, Validity 30 days, to active write M8 and send to 111
• 1GB@99tk, Validity 30 days, to active write D60 and send to 111
• 1GB@150tk, Validity 10 days, to active write D14 and send to 111
• 1GB@200tk, Validity 30 days, to active write D59 and send to 111

•••• 5% SD, 15% vat, 1% SC will apply ••••


• All prepaid customers can buy this pack

• 1GB@99tk pack usable time 12am to 6pm

• 1GB@80tk pack 1GB bonus validity for 3 days.. others 1GB packs 1GB bonus validity for 7 days

• Customers can buy this pack multiple times

• If customers buy same pack then speed and unused data will be carry forward

• To get auto settings for handset, type SET and send to 738 (free). then save with 1234.

• To check remaining data, write 'u' and send SMS to 111.